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Satisfied Clients
//Judith Yah Sunday ACHIDI

Word from General Manager of CAMTEL

Cameroon Telecommunications (Camtel) has been a wholesale solution provider for decades with ample professional depth and breadth-enriched and fined tuned as a continuous process. Our uniquely crafted, robust and extensive national backbone connected to multiple submarine cables (SAIL, SAT3, WACS, SAFE, WASC, CEIBA-2, MONET, ACE and NCSCS), allows us to standout as the go-to-hub for telecom operators on the African market. The birth of Camtel Carrier, our sister company, is aimed at cementing our regional leadership position as the lifeblood of telecommunications in the C.E.M.A.C region. You can discover our destinations and contact our customer service for more details on our routes and offerings 7/7...




Experience Members


Satisfied Clients

//Network & infrastrure

Our cables

SAIL (South Atlantic Inter Link)

• Active : since 2018 ...

WACS (West Africa Cable System)

• Active : since 2015 ...

SAT 3 (South Atlantic 3)

• Active : since 2002 ...

SAFE (South Africa Far East)

• Active : since 2002 ...

//What we do

Network & Infrastructure

  • Our Cables


  • Terrestrial Backbone

    Our terrestrial Backbone

  • Network Map

    Responsive map with descriptions of submarine cables, key PoPs, landing points, destination and routes served and terrestrial backbone (with its main PoPs).

  • Data centre

    Our Tier 3 carrier-neutral certified data centre facility guarantees you direct access to all major submarine cables (SAT-3 and WACS) on the west coastline of Africa connecting you thru to Europe...

//Camtel Carrier


Data Centre and collocation

Camtel Data Centre is the only Tier III design certified carrier neutral data centre facility ...

Voice Messaging and Roaming

As a telecom operator, Camtel Carrier guarantees your business an international coverage quality and security ...

Infrastructure solutions

Our infrastructure solutions focuses on ensuring that your required bandwidth needs for your electronic communication ...


Camtel Carrier located in Cameroon at (coordinates) offers you the best deal for all solution ...

The Business Unit Transport

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